AFG understands that gainful employment is a pathway to a young woman’s growth and prosperity. We also know that young women experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, human trafficking, and other trauma-related vulnerabilities face systemic inequalities and lack of access to safe and stable employment.
To address this, AFG established the Workforce Development Program to promote economic and social mobility. Led by staff and in partnership with the community and businesses, we offer a range of services to help clients find their passion and make the connection to jobs and employment training.
How to support these initiatives:
We are looking for professional women to present to our participants on their careers and to share personal stories of their own employment path and growth.
Hire an AFG participant and provide a good start to someone striving for meaningful employment. AFG staff will be a key resource for ensuring an employee’s success.
Become a retail partner and include Sew Great Detroit products in your inventory and/or contract with the social enterprise to develop and produce a certain product for your business.
For more information, or to partner with us, please contact: workforcedev@alternativesforgirls.org

Sew Great Detroit
We also provide opportunities for individuals to learn and grow in Grow Detroit’s Young Talent initiative and our own social enterprise, Sew Great Detroit (SGD).
Sew Great Detroit is AFG’s social enterprise which trains women in industrial sewing and knitting while developing other employment skills and opportunities for personal growth in a respectful team environment.
For more information, or to partner with us, please contact: workforcedev@alternativesforgirls.org